Monday, December 17, 2012

Welcome to The "Festival of Lights"

A few nights ago we went through the "Festival of Lights" and recorded our experience.

~Joshua's News Network

For more information go to

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Merry Christmas to the World (Or half of it!)

merry christmas to all!!!

Snow Again! Will it continue?

Spanish Fork, UT
Over the past two days it has been snowing off and on between the Great Salt Lake and Spanish Fork.
When we did our last report on snowy weather we checked which said that over the next few weeks had a precipitation percentage of %0-%20 and we did not get any snow for several weeks after that.
Still the question on most peoples mind now is either "Will this snowy weather continue", "Will the snow continue to come in bursts every now and than" and "Is this going to be the last snow of the season?

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Car Crash north of Adobe

One of our reporters was heading home along I-15 when they saw several Police cars and a Tow Truck.
After passing by it was concluded by our reporter that one car had rear-ended another.